A Quiet Place
This is far and away one of the best movies I have ever watched, and I've watched a lot of movies! The story is original, no small feat these days, and the acting is just outstanding! John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, along with the children, bring these characters to life, and make us really care, all without the benefit of well written dialogue. That's not easy to do, but they do it. Right from the start, you find yourself drawn into the lives of these people, and can feel the tension, the undercurrent of threat, that they live with every day. Through all they face, we are also given a picture of a solid family, with a dad and mom doing everything possible to care for their children, the family praying together, holding onto faith even under the most difficult of circumstances, and that family dynamic really strengthens the entire story. Who do you rely on when all is changed? When everything goes wrong? Family. Along with the acting, the direction, sets, just everything, come together to deliver a truly scary movie, that doesn't rely on flash to terrify you. Highly recommend this one. We saw it in the theater, and bought it as soon as it hit the stores. Top notch work.