Life Itself

Writen by Peter McGinn on April 03, 2020

I enjoyed this movie. At times it felt like it was trying to say too much, but still it succeeds in saying a lot of it. I don't think this movie is as bad nor as good as some of the reviews I read before watching it. One negative for me is how many large themes and issues the writing takes on with its complex plot, but conversely, one of its strengths is all of the large themes and issues the movie tackles. In other words, when it works, it really works. There are a lot of sympathetic characters in this saga, and even the few less sympathetic ones are given depth and the opportunity for personal growth during the course of the movie. It seems like interesting choices were made when to translate the Spanish dialogue and when not to, but I don't feel I missed out on important stuff. I think I will watch it again someday just to draw more out of it, catch little things I probably missed, so I guess that means I recommend watching it, doesn't it?