The Suicide Squad

Writen by The Movie Mob on February 10, 2023

**Where the first film was a good action movie with Suicide Squad characters, The Suicide Squad (2021) truly is a Suicide Squad movie in all its psychotic, unpredictable glory.** While I am one of the few that really enjoyed the 2016 Suicide Squad, I can't deny that this movie captures the chaos, instability, and expendable nature of the Squad in the comics. James Gunn introduces the audience to a whole cadre of characters that are very deep cuts into DC lore with unknowns like Polka-dot Man, Peacemaker, Bloodsport, Ratcatcher, Javelin, and more. These obscure villains serve as perfect cannon fodder for Amanda Waller's hopeless suicide missions. These C-list villains almost scream that no one is safe. Both new and old characters constantly die throughout the film. Still, somehow Gunn manages to make us care about these obscure and insignificant comic book characters making their deaths more potent and heartbreaking. He also knows how to direct Harley Quinn better than any director who has brought the character to live action. Her insanity and charm are delightfully deranged and perfectly showcased repeatedly. With an army of bad guys, there is plenty of action and fighting to keep the runtime moving and put each squad member's skills on display. After what Gunn did with The Suicide Squad, I am excited to see what he brings to the rest of the DC Universe.