"Nosferatu" tries far too hard to be something, it could more readily have been, with a lighter touch. You can see what they are going for, a creepy noir, horror fantasy. The problem is, it feels obsessively over stylised, to the point of leaden Gothic oppressiveness. Its a quality that infects the characterisations, as well. They feel over stated, too much larger than life (or is that death) and as a a result, at times, farcical. The story itself, to those who have read Bram Stoker's "Dracula", is mostly familiar. A few amendments have been made to bring it more in line with the original "Nosferatu" directed by F. W. Murnau, way back in 1922. Count Dracula has been replaced by Count Orlock, for example. I did feel the ending (which also departs from the novel) was a "bit thin" and somewhat underwhelming. I will say, in spite of its limitations, I don't hate this film. Its clear a lot of effort and care has been invested into its creation. I think too, certain dramatic and visual aspects of the Gothic film noir approach, are creepily memorable. In summary, "Nosferatu" is a valiant effort that would have been markedly better with gentler handling. A balance of the dark aspects of the film with a more subtle, lighter approach would have led to a superior final product. Ultimately a rather emotionally and visually, cumbersome watch, you might want to spread over a couple of days or evenings.