
Writen by SierraKiloBravo on June 01, 2020

Click here for a video version of this review: _Gifted_ is a 2017 movie starring Chris Evans, Mckenna Grace, and Octavia Spencer and is a wonderfully sweet movie that tells the story of Mary and her Uncle Frank who live together due to the untimely death of Mary's mother. Mary is not just any seven year old though, she is intellectually gifted and a mathematical genius. Frank wants to give her a normal life while others want her genius to be used to its full potential. This was such a charming movie and I'd be lying if I said that there weren't a couple of scenes that made me feel a little misty eyed. Mckenna Grace is absolutely adorable in this and acts her butt off throughout. The chemistry between her and Evans was so damn good - it's this connection between the two of them and between them and Spencer that makes this movie such a joy to watch. There is a scene in a sunset with Evans and Grace and she is climbing all over him asking him a million questions, like kids do, and it was so perfectly natural, it was a pleasure to watch. This is a really great movie, and while family dramas are nothing new, there was something just really nice about this movie. In amongst the drama there are some funny moments too, just enough to lighten things the right amount. Octavia Spencer has been a longtime favourite of mine, and she's great in this but, for me I enjoyed seeing Evans do something other than Captain America. I wasn't that fussed on _Knives Out_ so it was cool to see him do some proper dramatic acting. I really enjoyed this, and with all the madness going on in the world right now, this was a story that really made me smile.