**Yes, okay.** Boring characters, wasted superstars on a meaningless script, huge Alien rip-off which didn't work, an almost Marvel-style hologram on the ISS, laughable. Everything is so bad in this movie, except for the production value. We see gorgeous floating in zero-g, a sweet looking alien and easy on the eye actors. The boring story is not as boring as it would have been if the budget was low. Still, some major flaws in story-telling make this an average flick. The pretty alien does not look scary at all. The characters are not introduced properly. The whole plot is disjointed, we get the facts of the story served without any sense of purpose. Finally there is no immersion, life on the ISS is as alien as the creature without weaknesses, for which you will be rooting half-way through this film. 3 June 2017 I am migrating my reviews from a different site which has become simply garbage. TMDB looks awesome and I look forward to be a part of it.