Soft Lad

Writen by CinemaSerf on July 23, 2023

In theory this could have made for quite an intriguing story of cheating and naughtiness. Instead, it turned out to be a really disappointing melodrama showcasing the mediocre acting talents of a few handsome men and the writing of someone who had the vision for the story, but no real idea how to turn it into anything particularly compelling. It's all about the young and attractive dancer "David" (Jonny Labey) who is secretly having an affair with his brother-in-law "Jules" (Daniel Brocklebank). It's a bit tempestuous and after a row, the younger man seeks comfort in the arms of "Sam" (Craig Stein) but that just causes even more ructions and you can now see just what's going to happen, and anticipate the fall out that is looming large for all concerned. So much more could have been done to develop the characters; the sex scenes are ridiculously sterile and there is just way too much petulant dialogue making the whole thing feel much longer than just ninety minutes. It's gay theme gives it a slightly distinctive edge, but otherwise this is forgettable stuff, sorry.