
Writen by Asa_movies on April 03, 2017

Am I bad? Should I be sad? I am different and it's really an embarrassment. I feel I try I love and smile My girlfriends are as their mothers My boyfriends are as they fathers I am like our fathers with a combination with our mothers. I feel like I am girl I kiss like I am sensible to man's hiss like a man who likes other men in the way there is something beyond our beautiful faces. These are our beautiful hearts. I tried to be like they are I tried to be like other guys I prayed I learned how to act with a lot of different facts. You can see: I am a bit confused. Born like a boy, now I am like a girl. I love boys I kiss boys and i make up me and my toys. I went so far I have fallen in love with my boyfriend who started to realize how weird am I I started to wonder: who am I? Am I boy? Am I girl? Not for sure. I am confused. I am not like others. Not like my brothers and fathers. I am sad, I am bad, There is no more life for me Heartstone is a very bad burden I have to make an end Goodbye my mother Goodbye my father Goodbye my lovely friend! Written by Asa_movies (Tanja)