The New Mutants

Writen by NerdyPopcorn on November 16, 2020

The problem with The New Mutants is that it fails in so many different areas that's its difficult to pin point why it's such a bad movie. If you're a X-Man fan you'll be disappointed by the main characters mutations, if you're a thriller fan you'll be disappointed by the villain. **When to watch:** The only scenario I would recommend you watch this movie is if you are die hard fan of one of the actors (Even still you might be disappointed) **How to fix this movie:** 1. Replace the villain, stop trying to make this a weird horror crossover and focus on what made X-Man good to begin with. A PROPER VILLAIN. 2. Far to much focus on the poorly written backstory for each main character. 3. Make the Mutations better! The super powers should make the audience want to be them. 4. Cut the cheesy dialogue and pick a clear genre, this is a toss up between, Sci-Fi, Action, Horror, Romance, Cheesy B Level Movie.