Power Rangers

Writen by Reno on October 22, 2017

**The power of Cadbury Gems!** It was one of those films known that it would fail even before being made. I've rated the rebooted 'Fantastic Four' better than this. I am not a 'Power Rangers' fan, but I was looking forward to it. Expected to be a decent, not this low. The major issue with the film was the story. What the heck! All the superhero films have this same platform. That's really boring. Even that's how the real 'Power Rangers' is, does not matter, it should have been re-wrote completely. Just like they had updated the costumes from cloths to metal armours. As usual, the actors are not to be blamed. Those young guys did good. Direction, not bad too. The graphic, nothing new or that impressive. If we observe closely all the CGI shot, they do not look fine, especially if you know all this stuff like an animator or something. The villain was weak. But the entire film was like just an introduction. They had held up everything till the last quarters to bring all together and make a massive stand off between the good and the bad. Maybe it could work for kids. Those who liked Marvel and DC superhero films would only find it a trash. The best thing about the film is, it is watchable, despite everything are familiar and predictable. I'm not in favour of a sequel, but surely they will make one. And that's result would decide the franchise's future, which I think has a slim chance against those superhero films that already bagged the large sum of fans to its pocket. As I said, the remaining one are children, who are upcoming generation. So if the filmmakers target them, even the adults would sit quiet and watch without whining. _4/10_