Captain Marvel
Well.... ....We have seen this before. The word "rehashing" has been thrown around a lot in some reviews, but really it's like a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy on a cheap circa early 80 copy machine. You've seen it before when it was a lot better. The good news, I suppose, is that the trailers were honest, Brie Larson is honestly doing her best to imitate a block of wood and is just as animated and believable as a super hero. And Sam Jackson, digitally younger, is still too old to do the required action scenes as evident by the enormous amount of cuts it takes to make it vaguely resemble actual action. However, he still manages to outshine Larson in the action department. And, of course, nothing could improve it more than a killer soundtrack. Unfortunately Captain Marvel only manages to produce a cringey soundtrack and I has always been a No Doubt fan (at least until 2000'sReturn of Saturn). But the good news is they did reduce the transparent political posturing to a minimum (compared to what people had thought) but even then it is still far more than you'd get with better super hero moves *cough*Wonder Woman*cough*