Shazam! is a heartwarming funny origin story for kid struggling with family, friends, and his new gifted superpowers. I had a lot of fun with this film, whether it was kids buying beer with their new appearance, the crazy fun training montage, or the humor that surprisingly hit more often than not. Zachary Levi and Jack Grazer had really awesome chemistry, and I loved every minute they were on screen together. Although the same cannot be said for Asher Anger, not that his scenes were bad they just didn't do much for me and felt flat. I felt that they lingered on for too long and I just wanted Shazam back which led to some pacing issues. The villain was nothing to write home about either. He had a very generic motivation and suffered from the classic villain trope of bad guy with the same powers as the heroes. Overall, the negatives were nothing that distracted from the fun you can have with this film. **Verdict:** _Great_