The Shawshank Redemption

Writen by drystyx on April 03, 2023

This is much more predictable and Hollywood than a King novel. This story of another man wrongfully in prison for murder joins the list of about every other movie about a man sent to prison for murdering his wife. And therein lies the problem. Most of the time, the killer is the husband, and most of the time the right man is in prison. Juries are now doomed to consist of several people who are brainwashed by this constant propaganda Hollywood gives us and think accordingly. People are not gods. They are souls and spirits that can only withstand so much brainwashing. Add to that, the story plods along with really nothing new to add. It's a very formula movie. I won't say it is a "bad movie". Those are ones I give 1 or 2 out of 10. But 3/10 is what I call the very boring, unimaginative, safe, non thought provoking movies that you forget about quite quickly.