X-Men: Apocalypse

Writen by Movie Queen41 on July 07, 2017

What a let down after Days of Future Past (the best X-Men movie ever, in my opinion). Bryan Singer has usually directed some of the best films of the franchise but this one is a real clunker. Too many characters with not enough development and a very lackluster villain. Oscar Isaac is a talented actor, but even he can't make Apocalypse interesting under all that silly blue make up. Characters like Angel and Psylocke, as Apocalypse's horsemen, are very thinly written and barely have a personality. Also, it is absolutely ridiculous that the villain Mystique is transformed into a role model and leader for the X-Men in this movie. Jennifer Lawrence looks bored throughout and barely appears as Mystique's true blue self even though she's supposed to be an out and proud mutant. A real disappointment.