John Wick

Writen by Nathan on February 01, 2023

John Wick is the definition of a blockbuster action film, with big set pieces and visceral stunt work that will leave audiences gasping. While the story and performances are lacking, the creators make attempts at establishing a greater world around the characters. There are some really creative services and lore that go into the assassin underworld that is simply brilliant. The acting all around is quite lackluster. I love Keanu Reeves as a man, but he cannot deliver dialogue well. I know he is supposed to be very emotionless, but there is just a robotic nature to his line delivery that is quite awkward. His performance does not take a ton away from the movie but could have elevated it if he were a bit better. The main conflict of the story is a bit cheesy and did not totally work for me, but at the end of the day, it is just a vehicle for the action and does enough to propel the story forward. The main focus of these films is the brutality of the choreography. John Wick stacks up a large body count with ease executing opposing assassins with a plethora of weapons and tactics. There are some creative kills in the movie, but most are just headshots delivered by a pistol. I would have loved to see a little bit more variety, but it was so in-your-face and absurd that I still had a great time with it. Score: 79% Verdict: Great