Yellow Cargo

Writen by CinemaSerf on June 19, 2022

Conrad Nagel ("O'Connor") just about carries this really quite procedural smuggling caper. He is drafted in to investigate some people smuggling from Asia to California. At the airport he is met by the rather persistent (and I thought annoying) journalist "Bobbie" (Eleanor Hunt) who thinks he is really Leslie Howard! Anyway, he soon puts her straight, but sees an advantage in him playing the job-seeking actor part, so he can meet people and maybe get a lead on his gang. Of course that works, and aside from the odd, equally annoying, interludes from Vince Barnett (presumably hired for his comedic "turns", but that might just be me) the film falls into the rut of most similar B-features. This one has a particularly silly conclusion that smacked of - we've run out of film, end it quick! The production is all quite routine and it's not bad, it's just unremarkable...