When Magoo Flew

Writen by CinemaSerf on February 09, 2024

Quite why the blind as a bat "Mr. Magoo" would want to go to the cinema in the first place is anyone's guess, but off he sets. His first ever 3D film - he has to fasten his seat belt and is impressed by the sensation that he might actually be flying... Well, yes, in fact he is - actually flying. He has mistakenly gone to the airport and is now thousands of feet up in the air. He goes for a stroll, takes what he thinks is the door to the smoking lounge and ends up doing a bit of a wing walk whilst playing havoc with the tail plane. Luckily he makes it back in ok, and just in time to help the police apprehend a thief! Safely landed, he disembarks the plane having throughly enjoyed his trip to the cinema - except, well there were no cartoons. "Magoo" was never my favourite cartoon character but this daft story works well enough with a simple scenario that raises a smile - especially when the woman looks out of the window!