The Room

Writen by OuroborosSurfer on November 05, 2023

A cult classic of "so bad that it's good" filmmaking, the story of how The Room was created has become as legendary as the film itself. Watching The Room gave me the impression I was watching a film written and directed by an extra-terrestrial being who'd never seen a movie before, nor seen real humans interact. Tommy Wiseau's acting has to be seen to be believed. It is not what one might consider "good", to put it mildly. There are way too many boring and cringeworthy sex scenes in this, which definitely drags its rating down. Many aspects of the story and lore are truly baffling, which actually adds to the entertainment value of the film. However, I do not find The Room as entertaining as any of Neil Breen's work (Breen is a filmmaker often mentioned for comparison when discussions of Tommy Wiseau as an artist crop up). Despite its flaws, and a harsh critic might say that there's more flaw than film here, The Room still has more entertainment value than many soulless big-budget Hollywood efforts, made with maximum cynicism as money-making machines.