Ocean's Twelve
Convoluted Cack! Ocean's 11 was a slick movie, ultra cool and up there with the best as regards superior remakes. Ocean's Twelve is a waste, a film coasting on star appeal, a picture desperately trying to cram as much into its screenplay for fear of failing. The plot shoots off in a number of directions, yet incredibly it still wastes most of the cast who have all been held over from Ocean's 11. This time Catherine Zeta-Jones joins in for some weighty dressage and Vincent Cassel is along as some sort of break-dancing Raffles dude. There's the odd in-joke that works, while the by-ply between the principal players (Clooney/Pitt/Damon) holds a modicum of entertainment value. However, once the dust settles on the myriad of schemes and scrapes, you are left with a sequel of a remake that is almost everything the other film was not. Boo. 4/10