Whit Stillman’s _Metropolitan_ offers a witty and arch glimpse into the lives of Upper East Side debutantes and their slightly aimless escorts during Christmas break. It's like _The Breakfast Club_, but with black-tie soirées instead of detention and ironic detachment and spirited Jane Austen debates instead of teen angst. The film's charm is sure to intrigue you. The film’s champagne fizz and sharp repartee conceal a darker undercurrent. Characters like the sardonic Nick, a disillusioned heir to a fortune, and brooding Charlie, a struggling artist from a wealthy family, exude a cool cynicism that hints at Patrick Bateman-esque disaffection, making one wonder if Brett Easton Ellis found inspiration here for _American Psycho’s_ chilling socialites. While some scenes flirt with overindulgence, _Metropolitan_ still cuts through with moments of incisive charm. Its privileged protagonists may test patience, but their quirks make them hard to look away from.