Gun Fever

Writen by Wuchak on April 21, 2021

_**“I'm a wrathchild; I'm coming to get you, ooh yeah-ee-yeah”**_ After a band of Sioux led by a sadistic white man (Aaron Saxon) wipe out a family at a stagecoach way station, the son (Mark Stevens) vows vengeance and goes after the man, not knowing that his pardner (John Lupton) knows the killer well. The lovely Maureen Hinger (aka Jana Davi) is on hand as Indian squaw, Tanana. "Gun Fever" (1958) is a B&W B-Western directed & co-written by star Mark Stevens. Despite the low budget and lack of color, this obscure lil’ Western exceeded my expectations. Whilst the story involves the hackneyed Bob Steele plot (young man seeks to avenge the murder of his loved ones), the execution is artistic with strong acting by the principles. For instance, Stevens (a Dean Martin lookalike) is a gaunt and powerful presence; Lupton too, just taller. The movie is dark and brooding with brief flashes of warmth, like a B-Western version of “Apocalypse Now” 21 years before it debuted. Don’t look for any comedy or goofiness; it’s realistic but generally grim with wind-swept landscapes and rolling tumbleweeds. A critic described “Gun Fever” as being “far from a good movie, but it’s interesting.” It’s a shame Stevens didn’t go on to greater success, but at least he had a respectable career in film & TV and we can continue to appreciate his contributions. The Amer-Indians are played by Caucasians, which was par for the course at the time since there weren’t many Native American actors roaming the streets of Hollywood. Just pretend they look more ‘Indian’ than they do. Regardless, the actors’ depiction of Natives is respectable and not laughable. The film runs 1 hour, 23 minutes. I can’t find information on where it was shot, but obviously it was one of several movie ranches in the Hollywood area. GRADE: B-/B (6.5/10)