Casino Royale

Writen by Wuchak on December 01, 2020

_**Psychedelic secret agent satire with a superlative cast**_ A mysterious organization named SMERSH is killing off notable spies from top countries compelling James Bond to come out of retirement (David Niven). Peter Sellers plays a younger “James Bond” agent while Woody Allen is on hand as a diminutive “James Bond.” Orson Welles plays the lead heavy while William Holden and John Huston have small roles. “Casino Royale” (1967) is notorious in cinema and generally loathed by critics & cinephiles, but it’s actually superior to contemporaneous spy satires like “In Like Flint” (1967) and “Fathom” (1967). It was intentionally made with four different directors in mind for four separate segments, but ended up with six directors. There were originally 4 writers (if you include Ian Fleming’s book), but ended up with a total of 11. Welles and Sellers didn’t get along and refused to work together. It was one of the most expensive films of its day and cost more than any of the James Bond flicks up to that time. Surprisingly, it all sort of comes together for a madly amusing 60’s secret agent farce despite the problematic Sellers being fired before all of his scenes were shot. I suggest using the subtitles so you can make out all the witty verbiage and follow what’s happening. The female cast is outstanding with Barbara Bouchet (Moneypenny) and Joanna Pettet (Mata Bond) leading the way, but also featuring Ursula Andress (Vesper Lynd), Jacqueline Bisset (Miss Goodthighs), Deborah Kerr (Lady Fiona) and several others, including Caroline Munro and Veronica Carlson in cameos. The movie is overlong at 2 hours, 11 minutes. It was shot in Ireland, Scotland and England. GRADE: B-