Assassin's Creed

Writen by Lucky_Man on January 19, 2019

I bought this movie recently for a very small amount, and began watching it with very small expectations. I was treated to a well-paced, stylish action film that relied more on esoteric ambiguity (and a passing knowledge of the video game franchise) than exposition and characterization. Rather than being a hindrance to the overall product, I believe this "flaw" serves the style of this movie wonderfully, and honors to source material to create an interesting and engaging fictional world. The discerning eye of a devoted film-goer may think this movie is quite beautiful and would find very little argument from me. Certain shots and choices in lighting are remarkable, and the filmmakers emphasis on practicality over computer renderings translates very well during the action sequences. I would recommend this film - you may not love it, and you don't have to - but it is certainly worth watching.