
Writen by CinemaSerf on January 26, 2024

Essentially three unrelated short films that deal with gay relationships, a bit of envy and some lust and longing. The first follows "Wyatt" (Christian Gabriel) who discovers that his best friend "Logan" (Matthew Bridges) is dating his ex "Shane" (Jacob Betts). Seems one or maybe even both are not quite over the other! Next "Jason" (Julian Goza) is cleaning the swimming pool at an house when "Kenny" (Fernando Jose) turns up. A bit of mistaken identity ensues and that leads to a night of gentle reminiscences. Lastly we meet Peter Stickles's recording obsessed "Dr. Lesh" (no, not Lash) who is treating the young "Lex" (Pano Tsaklas) on whom he has a rather messy fascination. Thing is, the baggage-laden "Lex" has one of these of his own - and that plays out rather closer to the doctor's home than maybe he'd like. There's not really anything at all new here, I'm afraid - just some angst-ridden stories about relationships that don't really raise their heads above the parapet of verbal mediocrity. The last one is maybe the better of the three - the characters are a little better developed and the storyline more substantial, but the others just retread the same old scenarios we've seen loads of times. The production is fine, but the scoring is soporific and helps this plinky-plonk it's way to the doldrums, too.