
Writen by CinemaSerf on January 30, 2024

Not wishing to start rumours, but if Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Jenna Coleman were ever to have child, it would be a thing of beauty! It may not, however, be terribly discerning as this film is nobody's finest hour. OJC is the eponymous character. A former moto-cross champion with a bit of baggage, he is reduced to intercepting packages strapped to wind turbines in the North Sea for his slightly bonkers dealer pal "Silas" (Joe Blakemore). Something's gone wrong with his latest mission though. There's no payday awaiting him at the rendezvous point, then he gets shot at by a man on a horse! Luckily his ageing bike has more HP that the real thing so he escapes only to run out of petrol, then thump a cop who tries to apprehend him, then end up calling in some favours to try and find who has kidnapped his brother "Simon" in apparent retaliation for him not delivering the goods. Still with me? "Jack Dawson" (yep, there are a few "Titanic" jokes) has now to try and fathom who has his sibling and en route we encounter some unsavoury types from England's North East before a frankly rather underwhelming denouement. Coleman features unremarkably once or twice, as does the quite engaging Thomas Turgoose as the outwardly weedy but surprisingly resilient "Craig" but the writing is all a bit bland, the story a bit thin and undercooked and the set-piece scenarios are just too staged - especially the police raid of the rave - to be effective. It's watchable and to be fair it doesn't hang around, but it could just as easily be an episode of "The Professionals" and I doubt I'll recall it for long.