Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
Decent watch, might watch again, but can't recommend outside a Bad Movie Night or a Friday the 13th Marathon. It's both refreshing and sad to see them try to re-invent Jason. As a fan of "Fallen" I like the idea of the villain transferring from person to person, but they twist the concept a bit more than I would have wanted at points. Adding a "chosen one" trope to this doesn't do much for me. Having a nearly unkillable villain alone should be intriguing enough, adding extra rules to it doesn't feel good. I'd like to see a Marvel style reboot where the government has to try to contain the heart, and they figure out the minimum safe distance, creating a facility around it with animals going nuts, and someone breaks in to find out what it is and is possessed. It's not a great movie, and it's probably a bad "Friday the 13th" movie, but I enjoyed it for what it is.