The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Writen by Kamurai on August 12, 2020

Good watch, would watch again, and can recommend. This is a great survivalist story in a horrible setting (wonderfully set, written to be a horrible world). We get all the great fun that we got from the original movie, and then we add in the whole (spoiler) element. It's really what makes the movie and leads us into the next arc, but I won't mention it. With Snow just on an angry tantrum spree (literally using childish tantrum words) you can tell very early that he's defeated himself, it's just a matter of time. Jennifer Lawrence is a big enough personality to carry the movie and she does with everyone else playing support roles centered around her. It was fantastic to see Jena Malone come on board as I feel she adds something special to everything she's in. If you can stand the battle royale concept, this this is a good watch for you.