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Devil Killer


It tells that Tang Yongqiang lives with his wife and children in a village house in the New Territories. Although his wife has a job, Tang Yongqiang is unemployed and has no income. He lives on CSSA. The relationship between the two couples gradually faded, and his wife even went out of the wall. Tang Yi was angry and beat his wife. The wife left Tang and ran away with her lover. When two female social workers followed up the case of Tang’s troubled family, they discovered that Tang Zheng was holding their children at home and demanding to meet with his wife. In the end, LPG was detonated. The police searched evidence and gave confessions at the scene, and discovered the bodies of the victims of the missing girls in two recent cases. Everyone was terrified.


  • 《魔鬼屠夫》Devil Killer / The Devil Butcher 林雅诗、颜仟汶、海俊杰等主演


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