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Khureldei: The Great Khan's Envoy


At the moment when Yesukhei the hero marches against the Tatars, captures Temujin-Ugeg, and issues a death warrant, time seems to have stopped when Mother Uulen gives birth to the future great ruler Genghis Khan, and the adventure of the film begins when Yesukhei's friend Khureldey arrives in the present day. Khureldey returns, finds the bear's claw needed to give birth to the great khan safely, and gives it to Mother Uulen, and the great khan is born. Through this event, the cultural differences and social conditions that Khureldey encounters are presented in a comical way in this film.


  • KHURELDEI Trailer (English subtitles) - 2008 - Action comedy

  • KHURELDEI Trailer - 2008 - Comedy

  • Хүрэлдэй их хааны элч / Khureldei ikh khaani elch


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