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Musician From the Other World


Ayaggu lost his parents early, but he has a sister who will dedicate everything to him. His sister has been with her husband since childhood, and has been married for ten years, but she has not had a child, so she tries everything she can to have a child. However, she puts her sister, who is suffering from separation, above all else. Although Ayalguu's life seems meaningless after losing the woman he loved so much, he feels the power of love again and his life is revived.


  • Жүжигчин Гантулга

  • дуучин ЭГШИГЛЭН Тэртээх Ертөнцийн Хөгжимчин МУСК дуу ЗҮҮДЭНДЭЭ

  • дуучин ЭГШИГЛЭН Тэртээх Ертөнцийн Хөгжимчин МУСК дуу "ЗҮҮДЭНДЭЭ"

  • Тэртээх Ертөнцийн Хөгжимчин Official TV

  • ТЭРТЭЭХ ЕРТӨНЦИЙН ХӨГЖИМЧИН УСК Official Trailer #1 (2014) HD


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