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The Enemy of the State


When police captain Munkhtur comes home, his wife has killed his daughter and his daughter has disappeared. An unknown person calls Munkhtur to kill Minister Tuvshin. Otherwise, he threatens to kill his daughter, who was taken hostage. Munkhtur, in an inevitable situation, shoots the minister. A few hours ago, a policeman, who shot a state minister, is now a criminal 'Enemy of the State'. All the power structures of Mongolia, including the Intelligence Organization, rise up against him.


  • Төрийн дайсан / Turiin daisan

  • ---Чонын хоол болох гэж цагаан морь сүргээсээ цойлоогүй---

  • Төрийн Дайсан МУСК

  • Төрийн Дайсан МУСК

  • Мягмар - Төрийн дайсан кино OST

  • [HQ] Turiin Daisan Trailer

  • Toriin daisan (OFFICIAL TRAILER)


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