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Words Whispered to the Heart


The only son of the family, Deleg, went to the army four years later and disappeared without telling his family. Waiting for the missing man, the dowry will be turned away by the local men, but the man thinks of the PROMISE he made to his husband and continues to live with his mother-in-law as his wife and neighbor... The movie shows the heart of a wife who waits for her missing spouse, the heart of a mother who complains to her daughter-in-law when she is sad that she is going to die, and the broken heart of a daughter who is her father. The knot of the whole story of the film is unraveled by the hoarse whisper.


  • Зүрхэнд шивнэсэн үг МУСК ( Монгол киноны сэтгэлд хоногшсон хэсгүүдээс)

  • "Зүрхэнд шивнэсэн үг" киноны хөөрхөн охины дүрийг чадварлаг бүтээсэн Б.Эрдэнэцэцэг

  • MNC телевиз - Кино бүтсэн түүх - Зүрхэнд шивнэсэн үг МУСК 04 14

  • Зүрхэнд шивнэсэн

  • Altaa Zurhend shivnesen ug


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